I've been using MySQL queries in PHP for quite a while now, but it still feels messy and like I'm doing it for the first time every time I have to add one to my code. I have a partner now who's taking over most the database management, but I still have to use them now and again. So I finally sat down and put together a little template:
// DB : get TIMESTAMP of last MOD REPORT
# SQL query
$SQL['select'] = <<<SQL1
SELECT `ID`, `timestamp`
FROM $table
ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC
# run query
$_sqlr = mysql_query($SQL['select']) or trigger_error('MySQL error number '.mysql_errno().': '.mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING);
# fetch results
if ( mysql_num_rows($_sqlr) > 0 )
while ( $_ROW = mysql_fetch_assoc($_sqlr) )
$RESULT[] = $_ROW;
trigger_error('no records found', E_USER_NOTICE);
# free results
if ( is_resource($_sqlr) )
Here's a skeleton of the routine:
// PHP-MySQL routine
# open DB
# SQL query
# run query
# fetch results
# free results
Thus far, it's helped immensely. I'll post my
open_db() function when I have a chance.