Noticed a few clicks on my
Klenwell wiki from a site called (It's worth clicking just to see the banner art.) Traced it to this post:
Main Forum > Spam > What to think! To blogoFermu it is must! (Babelfish translation)
Ran the page through Babelfish and I think I got the gist of it. Someone is promoting some kind of spamming tool which may be using the Greqo class. If this was the case, it might be a violation of the Greqo GPL license (unless they were making the source code available.)
In any event, although I'm not thrilled to learn spammers might be misappropriating Greqo, I'm not too concerned about it. Yes, you could use it to spew blog spam, but there are plenty of tools out there that probably do a much better job. And Blogger limits the number of posts one can post a day (as the
Last Google blog regularly discovers.)
Guy, you misunderstood. BlogoFerma can be used to spam, BUT it is not designed to do so.
As a knife is not intended to kill.
So nothing to write about "Russian spammers :(
Did you get trouble in magpierss (358 lines)
define ( 'MAGPIE_OUTPUT_ENCODING', 'ISO-8859-1');
Replace with UTF-8
Same in (98).
Sorry for the my bad-bad English, translated by Goole Translate.
Good luck!
Thanks for the tip about Magpie output encoding. I've opened up an issue on the Greqo project page about it.