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Phosphorus and Lime

A Developer's Broadsheet

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PHP: MySQL query function
A slight encapsulation of the PHP mysql_query function. I used to add this line to all my scripts:

$_sqlr = mysql_query($SQL['select']) or trigger_error('MySQL error number '.mysql_errno().': '.mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING);

Now I use this:

// AMVC_mysql_query
function AMVC_mysql_query($query)
// *** DATA

# internal
$_err_num = 0;
$_err_exp = '';
$_err_msg = '';

# return
$resource = FALSE;


# run query
$resource = mysql_query($query);

# check result
if ( !$resource )
$_err_num = mysql_errno();
$_err_exp = mysql_error();
$_err_msg = "MySQL error number $_err_num : $_err_exp <br /> query: $query";
trigger_error($_err_msg, E_USER_WARNING);

// *** RETURN

return $resource;

} # end Fx

A little more descriptive when things don't go as planned.

keywords: php, mysql, fx, query