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Phosphorus and Lime

A Developer's Broadsheet

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JS: css inliner
This function simply converts your ordinary external stylesheet setting to an inline setting, saving you valuable seconds of your time.

A form to do the work for you is available at klenwell sos.

// css_inliner
function css_inliner(string)
// *** DATA

// Debug
var _debug = 0;

// Regex
var re_replace = /(\n|\/\*.*\*\/)/igm;
var re_deshell = /\{(.*)\}/i;
var re_tidy = /(\;\s+)/;

// Internal
var _contents = '';

// Return
var inline_css = '';


// debug
if ( _debug ) alert("input: " + string);

// remove newlines
string = string.replace(re_replace, ' ');
if ( _debug ) alert("single line: " + string);

// deshell brackets
matched = string.match(re_deshell);
if ( matched == null )
alert('no result: make sure your input was in the proper .class { rule:value;... } format');
return 'invalid format';
string = matched[1];
if ( _debug ) alert("deshelled: " + string);

// tidy inline
inline = string.replace(re_tidy, '; ');
if ( _debug ) alert("tidy: " + string);

// sanity check
if ( inline == '' || inline == null )
alert('no result: make sure your input was in the proper .class { rule:value;... } format');
return 'invalid format';

inline = 'style="' + js_trim(inline) + '"';

// *** RETURN

return inline;

} // end Fx